Weaverville Fire Department Support Services

Minutes, Meeting November 5, 2014 5:00 p.m.

125 Bremer Street


I.                 Call to Order/Introductions: Called to order by President, Tina Scott at 5:00 p.m. Members present: Betty, Serena, Tania, Bonnie E, Herk, Lewis, Marjie, Briana, Chief Alvord and Secretary Lisa. 


II.               Approve Minutes of October 1, 2014 – MSC Alvord, T/Curran. To approve the minutes of the October 1, 2014 meeting, as presented.


III.              Reports:

A. Treasurer: (Marjie) –reported money spent on Halloween candy and meat stock for freezer.   

B. Events: (Tina/Scott) Tina passed around the newspaper article with the Support Services recruitment photo and Fire Prevention Week photo.  Fire Prevention week with the State Farm Fire Safe House went well – some fine tuning needed.  Will need to discuss the organization of the Fire Safe House program.  The appreciation dinner put on by the Rotary, Lions, Clampers and Soroptimist went very well.  Support Services provided the dessert. 


IV.             Action Items:

A. Christmas Dinners x 2 – Department Christmas dinner is on December 3; Shellie has a plan, Lisa will get with her to see how she wants to run it and for sign-up sheets, then, e-mail everyone.  Chief’s Christmas dinner; Will be on December 13, at 6:00 p.m. Will have a “White Elephant” gift exchange.  It is a potluck of hors d’oeuvres so bring your favorite.  Bring your own drinks. 

B.  Bingo (Tina/Marjie) – Tina would like to see the Bingo start in January with the first Sunday of every month until May, from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.  Will need 6 helpers each Bingo event.  Will serve snacks and beverages at no charge.

C.  Discussion on a Policy for the Support Services shirts (Tina) – Discussion on new members receiving a shirt right away or after a probation period.  Discussion on cost, and shirt styles.  MSC: Alvord, T/Watkins to approve a Support Services regular T-shirt to be handed out for new members either at the first event they help with or after a 4 month probation period (in which they regularly participated in meetings), whichever comes first.  In addition, Support Services polo shirts will be handed out at the yearly appreciation dinner for members who have participated and passed probation.    


V.               Unit Reports:

A.  Logistics: (Tania) – Department approved $600.00 to purchase new kitchen supplies; Scott and Tania have purchased the items from Newel’s.  The District approved in the budget to replace the dishwasher, so Scott will be shopping for one.

B.  EMS Support: (Serena) – Short discussion on re-stocking medical bags, and special bags for Ebola circumstances.

C.  Maintenance: (Bonnie M.) – Scott reported that the pressure regulator has been replaced and the water pressure is back to normal.  Discussion on placing the snow blower on Weaver Deals – Lisa will do.  Scott commended Herk on all of his hard work keeping up with the maintenance on the engines.  They are fixed right away and the Department appreciates that.  Good job Herk!

D.  Technology: (Lisa) – Mike keeping up on the website, and facebook.  Discussion on bingo and other events placed on Chamber of Commerce calendar and the Trinity Journal Calendar.  Marjie will look into these and talk to Mike since he has direct access.  Lisa offered to help if Marjie needs it. 

E.   Public Events/Education: (Lisa) – Fire Prevention Week went well.  Bonnie E. suggested a special made bed for the Fire Safe House, she will donate the padding for the bed.     

F.  Recruitment and Retention: (Lona) – Briana reported that they are still going to the High School every Wednesday and have had a new recruitment in the last 2 weeks. 


VI.              Open Forum and Topics for Next Meeting:  Discussion on location of the FF Appreciation dinner.  Topics for next meeting: Marketing materials, FF appreciation dinner, and Valentine’s roses.     


VII.            Adjourn:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m.